See our latest 2023 Ofsted report below - Outstanding Early Years and Behaviour!

Consistently outstanding 2024 academic outcomes – congratulations to all everyone!
We have vacancies in some year groups. Please contact the school office.
We are accepting applications for Reception- September 2025- Visit to see how we excel!.
Full Wrap Around Care – Breakfast Club from 7.30am After School Club until 5.55pm.

 Welcome to Margaret Roper Catholic Primary School

Ofsted Inspection 2023

Our school was inspected by Ofsted on 11th & 12th July 2023.  This is what Ofsted said:

  • 'Pupils are very happy at this school.  Everyone feels welcome and part of the school community'
  • 'Children receive a very strong start in Early Years'
  • 'Leaders provide a wealth of opportunities to develop pupil's characters'
  • 'Leaders provide an ambitious curriculum for all pupils so that they achieve well'
  • 'Throughout the school, teachers encourage pupils to develop a passion for reading'
  • 'Pupils have exceptional attitudes to their learning and behaviour'

Early Years was graded 'Outstanding'.  Behaviour and Attitudes was graded 'Outstanding'

We are very proud of our wonderful school the excellent outcomes of the inspection.

Read the full report here:

Margaret Roper Ofsted report Sep 2023


Our Mission & Vision

Jesus took a little child and set him by his side and then said to them, 'Anyone who welcomes this little child in my name, welcomes me; and anyone who welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me. 

Margaret Roper is a voluntary aided Catholic primary school attached to the Parish of Purley. We aim to be a community permeated by faith in Jesus Christ, which recognises, celebrates and raises awareness of the richness of other cultures and faiths. We will foster knowledge, skills and the talents of each child, in order to develop excellence across the whole curriculum. Self-discipline, courtesy, good manners, and, especially, respect, concern and care for others will be greatly valued. We will encourage respect and care of God's World, our environment. 

"The future of humanity lies in the hands of those strong enough to provide the young with reasons for living."

Margaret Roper is a Catholic School, but you don't have to be a Catholic to join us - we are open to application from families from other faiths or no faith.

Margaret Roper has consistently high academic outcomes for all year groups.

In 2024 our Early Years, Phonics, KS1 and KS2 outcomes were all well above National and some of the best in Croydon.


KS2 Reading 90% expected (National 74%) 60% Greater Depth Standard

KS2 Mathematics 90% expected (National 73%) 57% Greater Depth Standard

KS2 Spelling, Grammar & Punctuation 83% Expected (72% National) and 70% Greater Depth Standard

KS2 Combined Score (pupils attaining Reading, Writing & Maths at Expected) was 80% (National 61%)

See our outcomes for all Key Stages here:

Margaret Roper Academic Outcomes 2024

See our Blog from our recent Y6 Residential to Normandy - You can read it here:

Normandy Blog 2024


Admissions 2024/25


Margaret Roper welcomes applications and enquiries for admissions for Reception in September 2025.  We also have vacancies in some year groups for in-year admissions. 

We encourage you to come and visit our lovely school for a tour and to find out more about us. 

Please see the admissions section of the school website for details of our admissions procedure and dates for open session in the Autumn Term.  You can find this here: 

Secondary School Destinations 2024

We wish all our Year Six pupils the very best as they move on to their secondary schools in September.  We are very proud of their achievement and all they have contributed to our school. 

Our pupils are moving on to:

Wallington Girls' Grammar School - Sutton

St Philomena's Convent School - Sutton

The John Fisher School - Sutton

Riddlesdown Collegiate - Croydon

Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School - Kensington

Woodcote High School - Croydon

St Bede's School - Redhill

Thomas More Catholic School - Croydon

Croydon High School



Explore the school

Take a look at our fantastic 360 degree experience and explore our wonderful school for yourself.

What parents say about our school

'Thank you for helping my son settle in so well into reception at Margaret Roper School.  On Saturday he was disappointed he couldn't go to school!'

Reception Parent

'We wanted to personally thank you for creating an environment in which our children feel cared for.' 

Year 2 Parent

'Mr Mooney has been incredible to have the school running so smoothly, his enthusiasm for the school and children never diminishes and this is what makes the school such a happy place for the children.'

Year 2 Parent

'Thank you for your leadership, I know you always have the best interests of the children, their parents and your staff at heart.'

Year 4 Parent

What parents say about our school


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy which can be viewed in the Policies section of our website and on our safeguarding page. 

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to a child's welfare.  We actively support the Government's Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

Our Safeguarding team is Mr Dermot Mooney (Headteacher & DSL), Miss Emma Holloway and Mrs Christine Garcia (Assistant Heads) Miss Frances Buchan (Assistant DSL) and Mr Stuart Hills & Mrs Joan Keenan-O'Malley (Safeguarding Governors)
